Why does this alert keep popping up

32 is low, that’s why it’s telling you low tire pressure.

Sadie said:
32 is low, that’s why it’s telling you low tire pressure.

If you look at the display though, another tire is also at 32 and not giving the alert. The display rounds up/down, and the alert triggers off the decimal number, so it looks kinda weird like this.

I’m having the same issue with my left front tire on my Ioniq 6 SEL. Is there a way to reset that?


Tire just turned super saiyan

See if there’s a store pressure button.

You’ll have a better driving experience when the PSI is at 36 or 37. Easy pullouts when the pressure is right. Remember these EVs are heavier than ICE cars. So make sure your total weight doesn’t exceed 160 lbs max, otherwise you’ll end up with a flat tire. :joy:

“Low tire pressure” alert.

Driving around with pressures around 32/33 psi.

The manual, info sticker and car say that’s too low.

Insists the pressure shown “is not low”.

Funny somehow, isn’t it

Adley said:
“Low tire pressure” alert.

Driving around with pressures around 32/33 psi.

The manual, info sticker and car say that’s too low.

Insists the pressure shown “is not low”.

Funny somehow, isn’t it

Yeah, I should’ve done more research before going the easy route and bothering you folks. But I was mostly mystified because all the tires were the same (and the same pressure the dealer inflates them to each time) but only one tire was alarming. Whatever, I’ll pump them up and see if it clears.