In the very cold weather we’ve been having, I keep getting this low tire pressure alert, but the pressure it shows is not low. It’s always the same tire. Is this just a glitch because of the cold?
The specified tire pressure is 36 psi. The alert comes on when it is 10% low (36-3.6 = 32.4). The display rounds. Inflate your tires to 36 psi based on the placard inside the driver’s door.
Edit: I didn’t realize there was so much variation! The placard on the driver’s door post is what really matters.
Depends on the year and model of the car. Mine has a specified pressure of 38 psi. You need to check the inside of the car door to know for sure.
Wynn said:
Depends on the year and model of the car. Mine has a specified pressure of 38 psi. You need to check the inside of the car door to know for sure.
Same here, but mine is specified at 34 psi. 2024 limited AWD.
Edited to include AWD.
How odd. My 2024 limited says 38
2024 AWD SE here, 36 on the front tires, 37 on the back!
2024 AWD SE here, 36 on the front tires, 37 on the back!
2024 AWD SEL, also 36 front, 37 rear
My 2024 limited is 34. Very odd.
So’s my 2023 Limited.
Tristan said:
Quin said:
How odd. My 2024 limited says 38
My 2024 limited is 34. Very odd.
So’s my 2023 Limited.
The difference is AWD vs RWD
My 2024 limited is also 38, but the dealer keeps setting it at 36
It’s worse than that. It’s actually buggy.
I had mine give me alerts at 22 psi for two tires (front left and right rear) when the other two were at 23 psi with no alerts. I pumped them all up to 34 psi, but the same two kept saying they were low for several days despite them all showing the same in the display.
They eventually stopped showing as low without any other changes.
Pretty sure my placard says 34, but I’ll check it again.
I love the car, but the programming leaves something to be desired. Car companies don’t seem to hire the best developers.
You let them get down to TWENTY TWO psi?! I hope that’s a typo.
The readout only shows whole numbers and seems to round up/down to the closest one. So while two were above the threshold, the other two might have actually been below it but rounded up to 22 (hoping you meant 32).
It’s the cold. It was below freezing.
It was 22.
Jem said:
It’s the cold. It was below freezing.
It was 22.
Holy cow, I hope you didn’t drive around a lot at 22 psi! Not only does that have a huge negative impact on your efficiency, but it’s dangerous! The car should have been blaring warnings at you for DAYS that you needed to put air in the tires!
Maybe they were going for a cruise down a sandy beach
Bugs then?
The first I heard that it was low, it was 22. I never saw it change after the first warning.
Jem said:
It’s the cold. It was below freezing.
It was 22.
You were probably already on the low side. I’ve heard that every 10°F drop equals 1 psi, which generally matches my experience over the years.
The alert is lower than that in the limited’s 20s at least. These cold snaps of single-digit Fahrenheit have dropped my PSIs down to 30-31 a few times until they warm back up on the road. No alerts.