Which extension cord should I use for my EV charger?

I only have basic charging at home.

My car is parked around 40 feet from the nearest electrical outlet.

But my cord isn’t long enough.

Is it safe to use an extension cord?

If not, what’s the best way to make the charger reach where I need it?


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Using a regular extension cord to charge your electric vehicle (EV) is a big safety risk.

Here’s why:

Regular Extension Cords Can’t Handle the Power: EVs draw a lot of electricity, much more than your typical phone charger. Standard extension cords are designed for household appliances that use way less power. Using one for your EV could overload the cord, causing it to overheat and melt, potentially starting a fire.

They’re Not Built to Last: Those little extension cords you have around the house are built for occasional use, not the constant strain of charging an EV for hours. They could wear down quickly and become a safety hazard.

Weather Matters Unless you’re charging your EV in a perfectly dry, climate-controlled environment (and who is?), you need a cord built to withstand the elements. Standard extension cords aren’t water-resistant and could degrade or malfunction if exposed to rain or snow.

So, what should you use instead?

Heavy-Duty EV Charger Extension Cord: Specially designed EV charger extension cords are the way to go. They’re built with thicker wires to handle the high currents, have weatherproof casings, and come in lengths suitable for EV charging.

Consult an Electrician: If you’re unsure about which EV charger extension cord to choose or if your electrical system can handle it altogether, play it safe and consult a qualified electrician. They can recommend the right cord and potentially even install a dedicated outlet closer to your parking spot, eliminating the need for an extension cord altogether.

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Hi, Use a heavy-duty extension cord that is specifically designed for outdoor use and rated for the amperage of your EV charger. Look for cords labeled as “Outdoor” or “All-Weather” with a high ampacity rating.