NACS Adapter Arrived Today... Anyone Else Get The Same?

I submitted the form over the weekend and got the error message everyone else mentioned. The NACS adapter showed up this afternoon here in Las Vegas.

Question: where did it ship from? I got a UPS notification about a package from Irvine, CA, which isn’t something I ordered. Maybe this is it?

Jaden said:
Question: where did it ship from? I got a UPS notification about a package from Irvine, CA, which isn’t something I ordered. Maybe this is it?

Same for me, so that’s probably the adapter.

Jaden said:
Question: where did it ship from? I got a UPS notification about a package from Irvine, CA, which isn’t something I ordered. Maybe this is it?

Same here

Jaden said:
Question: where did it ship from? I got a UPS notification about a package from Irvine, CA, which isn’t something I ordered. Maybe this is it?

For what it’s worth, Kia’s US HQ is in Irvine.

Jaden said:
Question: where did it ship from? I got a UPS notification about a package from Irvine, CA, which isn’t something I ordered. Maybe this is it?

Same here. The interesting part is the name on that shipment is from Shield of Glory, which has nothing to do with Kia, but we’ll see.

Interesting datapoint:

I got the notification just minutes after they first sent them out. I’m one of many who got the error message when I submitted, and later when I went back, it said my VIN had already been claimed, though I didn’t get any email confirmation, leaving me confused. This was last week. I spoke to customer service yesterday, and after a hold, they came back and said this happened to a lot of people. They told me not to worry, that my order was confirmed and would ship within ‘7 to 14 days’. Now that some are arriving, it looks like if you got the error message, you may have been moved to the bottom of the priority queue while they manually fixed things.

I had the error message on the 24th as well. Then I got a UPS email on the 27th, and the adapter arrived today.

Same thing happened to me. It seems like every action you try to take on the site ends in an error. I tried to opt out of data sharing, error. Tried to order the adapter, error. They really need to work on their systems.

Did you get a shipping notification?

Brady said:
Did you get a shipping notification?

Yes, I got an email from UPS the day before it arrived.

I have an EV6 GT-Line leased on 12/29/2024. When I put my VIN in the field and hit ‘search’, it says I’m ineligible. WTF?

Denny said:
I have an EV6 GT-Line leased on 12/29/2024. When I put my VIN in the field and hit ‘search’, it says I’m ineligible. WTF?

I had the same thing, leased on 1/13. I wrote in and they’re sending the links in phases from the September start date for free recipients. The response was that owners who bought between 12/16-1/22 will get their link in 2 weeks. I guess this is to make sure those who purchased first get theirs first. I’m okay with that.

Thanks. I’ll be patient, especially since I already bought the A2Z which arrived last week. Haven’t tried it yet.

Funny, I leased my 2024 about a month ago and haven’t gotten this message in my Kia app… Hopefully this is a staged release, or maybe I’m not getting one.

Zhen said:
Funny, I leased my 2024 about a month ago and haven’t gotten this message in my Kia app… Hopefully this is a staged release, or maybe I’m not getting one.

Same. I leased my 2024 3 weeks ago and never got that notification.

Zhen said:
Funny, I leased my 2024 about a month ago and haven’t gotten this message in my Kia app… Hopefully this is a staged release, or maybe I’m not getting one.


Can you use it? Is Kia authorized now on the Tesla chargers?

Miller said:
Can you use it? Is Kia authorized now on the Tesla chargers?


Paz said:

Miller said:
Can you use it? Is Kia authorized now on the Tesla chargers?


Are you sure? This was working until last week when Tesla suspended access. The next day, the EV6 showed v3/v4 Superchargers in the Tesla app, but recent reports (as of yesterday) say they haven’t reinstated access.