How impractical would it be to install a Level 3 charger at your home?

When discussing Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) with acquaintances, I excel at addressing their concerns. However, I’ve noticed a growing trend among new acquaintances asking about the feasibility of “fast charging at home,” despite the reality that they typically only require a Level 2 (L2) charger in their garage for daily charging after work.

I often emphasize the benefits of utilizing an L2 charger to charge up to 80% for their daily commute, as it helps maintain the battery’s long-term health. I’m seeking effective ways to illustrate to individuals that Level 3 (L3) charging is a distinct scenario, not something they can simply order from Amazon.

For future discussions, I’m interested in understanding the typical costs associated with commercial DC Level 3 chargers and the engineering hurdles involved in their installation. Moreover, I wonder if someone exceptionally wealthy could acquire one if they were determined enough.

Setting up a Level 3 charger at home is often impractical and seldom achievable. These chargers usually demand an industrial-strength power source, running at over 480 volts. To illustrate, a standard household electrical setup is designed for 240 volts, which is suitable for Level 2 chargers.