How do you guys take care of your Porsche Taycans' battery when driving in winter where temperatures are low?

How do you guys take care of your Porsche Taycans’ battery when driving in winter when temperatures are low?

Should I pre-heat the car? How can I do that and for how long? At the moment I have just packed my car outside.


In my case, I set a timer to charge the car by a certain time and keep the car plugged in.

The charging will warm up the battery. Otherwise, don’t do anything because your efficiency will be down but let it be down.


Nice advice though I am only charging at my work and I don’t have a charger currently where I am staying. If you were me what would you do?


Are we talking about C or F? For an unplugged EV, an overnight soak in 10F is harsh. The best you can do is set the remote climate control on a timer or tap precondition an hour before you leave. That will help the battery get slightly warmer.


A small temperature range which is more than -10 degrees. Your efforts to precondition might have marginal results that aren’t worthwhile with the amount of time spent worrying and setting up the timers.


What I know is that the car has a heat pumb.

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I am just learning now that my EV has a heat pump. I am curious about what does it do and how do I switch it on.

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