Why is my Energica Eva Ribelle (electric motorcycle) not pulling maximum allowed amperage on DC?

The bike can handle up to 75 amps, or about 24 kw, when I use DC fast charging, but it only reaches a maximum of 16 kw, or roughly 55 amps, when I use ChargePoint. And as the battery reaches just around 35%, those figures drop. The amperage cap of 75 is known to me with certainty, as it is indicated and modifiable on the digital display.

Does this have a remedy that can be applied? I’ve already tried three different chargers in various places, and each one has the same problem.

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Your bike probably has the same problem that many other electric bikes do. Climate, charging apparatus, battery temperature, and other factors all affect how quickly EVs may be charged. Your battery is likely much hotter than it can withstand 75 amps if you charge your bike after riding it. I’m simply shooting from the hip here.

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