About to purchase my first used Taycan. This spec ticks a lot of boxes but isn’t my first choice colour or wheels/calliper colour. I think there are better combinations out there but would be good to hear your thoughts!
I’m in England, the colour is called crayon (think it’s called chalk elsewhere).
I’m 90% there but any feedback would be appreciated.
Beautiful combo. That would have probably been my first choice. I have the same wheels with Gentian Blue Metallic. Looks great when clean and when the sun is out (both rare occurrences in England ) but a pain to keep clean.
Fynn said: @Vero
Thanks for the feedback! I had my last car ceramic coated. Would defo recommend it keeps the car clean for so long.
I have this color, and did PPF/ceramic. Also did tints across all glass (I’m in a hot/sun climate), looks sharp. Very happy with overall result. For your wheels here, I’d get ceramic done on the wheels to keep the gloss black blades clean.
The caliper color indicates you have the surface coated brakes. The white caliper is a flex on how little dust these create, like damn we can get white calipers and they won’t get ruined. The rotors themselves will also be a mirror finish that really pops.
I am also not a fan of the ‘fan’ wheels and would swap for a GTS or mission e style wheel.
Exactly the same on the wheels! I think the wheel optioned you mentioned pop more but as I said this ticks loads of other boxes while still looking good.
It looks pretty nice. I personally am a black on black person because I’m a masochist for pain when it comes to seeing my car look dirty 15 minutes after a wash but this looks pretty nice.