Anyone else getting good highway mileage with winter tyres?

Managed to get 4.0 mi/kWh with mostly highway driving on heavy winter tyres and the heater on. I was drafting and coasting a lot. Not the most impressive numbers I’ve seen shared here, but it’s my personal best under those conditions.

That’s pretty good considering the weather right now.

Zeke said:
That’s pretty good considering the weather right now.

I guess it depends on what you call winter. They mentioned 63°F… doesn’t sound very wintery.

Clive said:

Zeke said:
That’s pretty good considering the weather right now.

I guess it depends on what you call winter. They mentioned 63°F… doesn’t sound very wintery.

Fair point. I assumed it was cold, maybe northern hemisphere. But 17°C? That’s what I’d call a decent summer here in the UK.

Right now, it’s 5°C (41°F) where I am, and I’m only managing 2 mi/kWh on short drives. If I’m steady on the motorway, I might touch 3. Need to start paying more attention to the temperature gauge, I suppose.

Clive said:

Zeke said:
That’s pretty good considering the weather right now.

I guess it depends on what you call winter. They mentioned 63°F… doesn’t sound very wintery.

Why would you need the heater on when it’s 17°C outside? That’s when I’m usually trying to cool down.

What kind of speed were you averaging?

Zion said:
What kind of speed were you averaging?

Not sure. I wasn’t paying too much attention to that but was really focused on coasting and keeping accelerator and brake use to a minimum. I noticed my efficiency creeping up and decided to snap a picture.

Over here in California, it’s been as low as 38°F in the mornings. With a passenger and going 70-85 mph, AC set to 68°F, I’ve been getting 4.0 mi/kWh too.

In the city, coasting with everything turned off, I can get 4.7-5.0 mi/kWh. At 16¢/kWh, I’m spending between $0.00 and $0.04 per mile. Hoping my Niro doesn’t run into any major issues. Loving the car so far.

I’ve got solar panels and haven’t had an electricity bill since installing them. I only charge at home, so my cost per mile is always $0.00. I’m starting to pay more attention to efficiency now and will see how much better I can get it.

That’s my future goal. Right now, I live in an apartment and don’t have a home charger, but I’d love to switch to what you’re doing eventually.

I’ve never managed to hit that kind of efficiency. Looks impressive to me.

I usually get 3.8-4.2 mi/kWh on the interstate by coasting a lot. Never used winter tyres though.

Wei said:
I usually get 3.8-4.2 mi/kWh on the interstate by coasting a lot. Never used winter tyres though.

Winter tyres are heavier and don’t roll as easily, but where I live, you’d be taking a big risk driving in winter without them.

Makes sense. We only get snow here in Atlanta every 10 years or so.

Wei said:
Makes sense. We only get snow here in Atlanta every 10 years or so.


That’s impressive for a Niro :+1:

I hope you weren’t the one taking the picture while driving. Stay safe.

Blair said:
I hope you weren’t the one taking the picture while driving. Stay safe.

I was… but I waited until I was at a red light. Definitely not something I’d recommend doing.